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Job English Teacher - Outstanding OFSTED Rated School - Brighton

ID: 294191   0

English Teacher - Outstanding OFSTED Rated School - Brighton, Brighton

Salary range: 34514£ - 51179£ per year

Summary information

Position: English Teacher - Outstanding OFSTED Rated School - Brighton
Published: 26/02/2024. Relevant to: 23/02/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

* English Teacher required April 2024

* Brilliant Secondary School based in Brighton

* English Teacher to join a highly successful and well-resourced department

Wayman Education is looking for an English Teacher to work within an Outstanding rated OFSTED school in Brighton. The successful English Teacher will be expected to teach at KS3 & KS4. The department is well resourced and boas it’s and approachable and supportive head of department. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a highly successful department. The school is happy to receive applications from both experienced teachers and ECTs in addition to overseas teachers with a formal teaching qualification.

School Information:

This is a secondary school situated in the London Borough of Brighton and has received an “Outstanding” rating from Ofsted. It was founded in 2016 with the objective of delivering a top-notch education to its students, promoting both academic excellence and personal growth. The school is renowned for its dedication to creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment, where students are encouraged to explore their passions and fulfill their potential. It provides a variety of subjects and extracurricular activities to cater to the diverse interests of its students.

Experience and Qualifications

  • English Teacher with the ability to teach at KS3 & KS4 (KS5 available for the right candidate)
  • A formal teaching qualification with QTS (i.e. PGCE)
  • Legal ability to work within the UK

Company Information

Wayman Education is a specialist recruitment agency with over 20 years’ experience within the education field. We’ve worked hard to establish our reputation with our clients as one of the most reliable teaching agencies in Brighton through our core values of honesty and customer excellence.


To be considered for this English Teacher position please forward a CV as soon as possible.

About the company Interactive Investor

Interactive investor is a low cost, award winning, online investment platform enabling you to easily manage shares, funds, SIPPs, ISAs & more. Details»

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